Hello and thank you for visiting my site. I'm pleased to present some of my recent editions, and perhaps some current editions I'm working on. By way of an introduction, I work primarily in the medium of relief printing, linocut to be specific. Linocut is a method of relief printing similar to woodcut in which areas around an image are cut away leaving the image in relief. The surface is then inked and paper laid on top. The image is then transferred onto the paper by running through a press or by rubbing with a baren or similar tool. In my case a combination of baren and wooden spoon. All my prints are hand pulled. With a deep respect and love for the roots of the medium my work is anchored in the traditions of representational printmaking. Working predominately in black and white, I try to focus on the image and the expression the image can convey regarding the subject matter. In most of my prints I want to explore the daily instances in which we encounter images that illustrate serious flaws in societal awareness. Thanks for stopping by and feel free to contact me should you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to use the contact page to drop me a note, I really look forward to hearing from you. Please click on an icon below to see additional prints from these series.